Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Oct Week 1 Linds

Mon 10/4
FTSOY- Repentance is a change of mind or a turning of the heart.

Tues 10/5
"Healing, happiness and peace come to marriage and family when we say, 'I'm sorry,' and try to do better."
-repentance & forgiveness is even more relevant in family life, as our relationships are close and our faults apparent
"The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to 're-turn' toward God. It is the beckoning of a loving Father and His Only Begotten Son to be more than we are, to reach up to a higher way of life, to change, and to feel the happiness of keeping the commandments."
-Sometimes we feel pain, discomfort, and anger and are so
Repentance (Mormon Message Video, Boyd K. Packer)
-Peace follows repentance. Guilt can be wiped out when we repent sincerely.
"He who has repented of His sins, the same is forgiven, and I remember them no more."- the power of the Atonement.
Atonement (Mormon Message video)
-natures can be changed, power to endure trial can be increased
"We see ourselves in terms of yesterday and today. Heavenly Father sees us in terms of forever. He sees us as glorious beings we are capable of becoming. The gospel is a gospel of transformation." (Joseph B Wirthlin)
------The need for repentance can cause me to get weighed down, frustrated that I struggle with the same things or the same sins, etc but this perspective is the one God has of me. It is a long process to become better, and that is why we have a long time! Instead of grateful that God doesn't give up on me and then don't give up on myself or others.
Alma 5:33 "And he giveth and invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them. Repent, and I will receive you." Satan is the one that convinces us that we are beyond reach, or that God is "mad" at us (makes us "mad" at ourselves)

Wed 10/7
Mark 3:22 "all sins which men committed, if they repent, shall be forgiven them"
JST Matt 3:25 "bring forth fruits meet for repentance" to me, this means that we try to correct our wrongs and do good things to make up for the bad things.
Helaman 15:7 faith and repentance bring a change of heart (change of mind)
Alma 42:22 punishment affixed, and so is repentance, which "mercy claimeth" otherwise we are subject to the full demands of justice. How does mercy claim repentance? How are the two principles related? When we are repentant, we are still not worthy but gain access to the Savior's grace and mercy. Beautiful!
Alma 42:23 mercy claimeth the penitent; mercy cometh because of the Atonement. The Atonement is what allows mercy to happen and for us to change. It is contingent on the condition of our hearts ("penitent") How am I penitent? How am I not penitent? To me, this has everything to do with pride. If I feel prideful and upset, I don't feel penitent.
Alma 26:22 Interesting that "bring forth good works [or fruits]" is always paired with repentance. How do my actions influence my heart/level of penitent? How do they manifest my penitence? When I try to act with charity and be kind, etc, my heart changes along with my actions.

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