Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October Week 3 Linds

Mon 10/17
Lehi, Helaman's son as a great missionary
Hel 5:17-18 had power and authority given them to speak. Had what they were to speak given to them. How did they qualify for this blessing? Hel 5:14-16 Diligence, persistence, hard work (went to all the cities to preach and to everyone, did not give up). Also, they listened and obeyed the words which their father Helaman taught them (Hel 5:10-13)
Hel 5:19 were "convincing" (didn't rely on their own powers but God helped them convince people)
Hel 5:21-24 Does not mean that they didn't have opposition; they were thrown into prison for many days without food or water. If they were selfishly minded, they would think this is a punishment or "Why me?" (and they possibly were a little discouraged v. 24 until God encircled them about with fire). Many times, our trials give God an opportunity to show forth His power. How would this perspective change my own attitude in the midst of trials? How am I allowing God to work miracles in my trials?
Alma 5:41 Interesting that the people in the prison/the people Lehi and Nephew were teaching were the same people that had been taught by Alma, Amulek, and Zeezrom. This did not deter them from teaching them; remember that multiple exposures to the gospel will be successful and it is only in their time that they will understand the truth!

Tues 10/18
Alma the Younger, as a missionary
Alma 5- not afraid to ask uncomfortable questions to help me repent
Alma 5:46 Alma paid the price: "fasted and prayed many days that I might know of myself."

Thurs 10/20 Amulek, as a missionary
Alma 8:30 "filled with the Holy Ghost"- chose to be bold but were blessed with the Holy Ghost.
Alma 8:31 "power given to them...but did not exercise their power until they were thrown in dungeons, etc that they might show forth God's power." Humility. Alma and Amulek were humble enough to not take advantage of the blessings God had given them. Were always focused on glorifying God!
Alma 10:4-11 Amulek shares his personal story of conversion; listened and obey the voice of the Lord and accepted Alma into his home. Sometimes be valiant may not be being "the leader" but rather "the follower" (again, humility. Amulek wasn't asking why he wasn't chosen as the leader, but rather he was willing to follow Alma and be his companion).
Alma 10:12-13 Amulek is bold in his conversations with people.
Alma 14:9-10 Amulek has compassion and feels for the people he is teaching. How can I develop this compassion about the people around me every day? Pray for it. Remember that everyone is a child of God. I have felt that this week as I have tried to focus on missionary work. I have felt prompted to get more of my attention in conversations to my classmates or people I meet randomly. I have felt that they are important and sometimes I don't give my attention because I don't have time for them or don't think our relationship/friendship will last. That is not how missionary work is. We have to care about everyone! 
Alma 14:14-23 Endures mockery of his prison guards and physical and emotional suffering. Is willing and humble enough to not fight back or doubt in God's power or presence. Will I be deterred in my missionary efforts if I experience setbacks or if God doesn't immediately show forth His power? 

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