Sunday, January 24, 2016

Jan Week 3 Linds

Ponderize: Mark 4:38-40
38 ...Master, carest thou not that we perish?
39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
40 And he said unto the, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?

Sun 1/17
Mark 5:18-20 The man who is possessed by a devil is healed through Christ. His weakness brings him closer to Christ and strengthens his testimony by allowing him to be the recipient of Christ's compassion (v. 19). Afterward he publishes in Decapolis "how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel."
--Sometimes I am tempted to resent my weaknesses and feel frustrated that I can't overcome them, etc (or resent situations/people that bring them out of me--sometimes I feel this way about family or situations revolving around). But it's good to realize that awareness of them and turning them over to God allows me to come closer to Him, feel His compassion personally, and be motivated to do missionary work. Weaknesses are wonderful! Am I turning to Him enough in my own weakness? He can help me overcome or at least deal with them in a healthy manner.
--Our standing before God is never about our personal righteousness (no one in this passage is touted for their righteousness, but the most prominent figures in the Gospels so far are people who have weakness). Christ is the one who is worshiped; if our weaknesses bring us to Him we are on good ground.
Luke 8:50 "Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole."
Matthew 9:22 "thy faith hath made thee whole" How does my faith lead me to the Atonement and healing? Why is faith necessary? How is faith enacted? It takes faith to make covenants, go to church, go to the temple -- my faith is demonstrated by my daily and weekly habits/lifestyle. "and the woman was made whole from that hour" (sometimes healing is as easy as that! immediate as we turn to God)

Mon 1/18
"It Is Not Good...that Man Should be Alone" Kevin J Worthen (BYU Speech)
-Relationships are everything. Am I taking time each day to build my relationships with people that are important to me? Including family members, roommates, friends, & S? We are not saved in isolation. Reminds me of Thomas S. Monson's quote, "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." Who needs love? Am I giving it? Stop by two people I visit teach to say hello. Bring by something nice.

Tues 1/19
Howard W Hunter teaching manuel "Chapter 2: My Peace I Leave Unto You"
-John 14:27 HIS peace He gives unto us. Not the peace we think we want.
"Peace is a state of existence that comes to man only upon the terms and conditions set by God, and in no other way." --> When we think of peace or pray for it, it is often with the desire that a trial be removed or that our life circumstance may be changed, or that we overcome troubling weaknesses. But this is not the defintion of peace. Peace comes from within, regardless of circumstance, "only through a belief in God."
"Peace can come to an individual only by an unconditional surrender--surrender to him who is the Prince of peace, who has the power to confer peace." --> Really interesting concept. Christ is the only one that can "confer peace" (it sounds like it is a gift that He gives us when we are worthy and seek it); How is an "unconditional surrender" necessary to feel His peace? Am I holding on to my own will in some sense?
"We should not expect to get through life individually or collectively without some opposition."
Matt 14:22-33 "Oh thou of little faith, [why]didst thou doubt?" (Christ to Peter as he walked on the water)--> Belief and faith is one of the most important principles of the Gospel. It is everything. We are required to believe without wavering, and when we do, we have power to conquer everything. Satan uses doubt as a tool.

Wed 1/20
Matt 10:28 "fear not that which destroys the body but that which destroys the soul"--> our fear should be a fear of sin/Satan not of worldly things.
Matt 10:39 "He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it"--> contradictory to what society teaches (the more you focus on yourself, the more you can find yourself, etc. but really its about focusing on others)
D&C 18:10-13 "How great is His joy in the soul that repenteth"; v.15-19 "labor all your days and bring but one soul unto me how great shall be your joy"--> I love this (my missionary scripture). How do we understand the worth of each soul? By seeking to understand the Atonement. Christ suffered for me individually and for everyone individually so that we can repent and come to Him. As we help people and ourselves repent, we can feel of our individual worth. How have I felt this in my life?

Thurs 1/21 
Mark 6:17-29 Herod actually respected John the Baptist but was caught by Herodias's daughter when she danced for him. Herod was rash & so was Herodias- they did not think before acting. This is why it's important to think before acting and don't promise things in the moment unless you've thought about it. This takes self control. 
Matthew 14:14 "Christ was moved with compassion toward them, and He healed their sick" Christ's motive for service was always love, compassion and never fame or attention (in fact he avoided that aspect). His service was not planned and in this instance was on his way somewhere else. They often mention Christ's compassion - this is a powerful word and it means feeling for someone. Am I sensitive to other people's needs? When they share something hard with me, do I rationalize away their experience or diminish their pain? Too often I think I don't listen with compassion and rather try to offer solutions. I think I could work on this- try to be understanding and listen better when people share hard things. My heart needs to be soft and loving to do this. Related to charity. 

Fri 1/22
Mark 6:34 "moved with compassion" 
Mark 6:41-44 Christ can and will literally multiple our resources, efforts, abilities if we turn to Him and give them up to Him and especially if we are in ther service of others (fish and loaves) 
Luke 9:17 not only will there be enough, there will be tons left over (12 baskets full!) we are compensated tenfold for any effort. How have I seen that in my life? My mission. I realized very soon my efforts were small, but the rewards were greater than I could've anticipated! I can also see that in other aspects of my life- work, family, etc. How can I make my focus more on others? God answers prayers faster if they are in behalf of someone other than ourselves. 
Boyd K Packer BYU Devo "Eternal Love"
-Love is natural consistent; if there are problems, both people stick with it, both people repent, both people forgive- it's never about who is right/wrong. Both need to change in every instance! 
-Channel powers like electricity, don't eradicate them. Also, don't explore.

Sun 1/24
"Love is Not Blind" Bruce C Hafen BYU Speech
-There is ambiguity in the gospel and in life - we should learn to love even when we face difficult challenges in our lives. 

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