Sunday, January 3, 2016

Jan Week 1- Linds

Fri 1/1 
"The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We look back to claim the embers from glowing experiences but not the ashes. And when we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experienced, then we look ahead, we remember that faith is always pointed toward the future. Faith always has to do with blessings and truths and events that will yet be efficacious in our lives." 
-This is such a powerful quote and principle. I especially love the last line about how faith will always be centered on blessings yet to be efficacious in our lives. There will never be a time when faith is not needed. It will always require hope for things we do not have and overcoming obstacles and circumstances which seem insurmountable. Right now, what blessings do I look forward to receiving? What obstacles stand in my way? What sins, weaknesses do I have a hard time forgetting? Are there any circumstances or experiences that I dwell on (either positively or negatively) that hinder me from living in the (awesome) present? Do I look at the future positively, or do I anticipate difficult experiences with fear? We have nothing to fear and can trust that God is "the high priest of good things to come." Always. 
"[Lot's wife] doubted the Lord's ability to give her something better than she already had." Remember Lot's Wife (Jeffery R Holland) BYU speech
-Again, God knows what is best for me. Always. Don't doubt His guidance.

Sat 1/2
Matt 6:14-15 always focus on the forgiveness I need of the Savior and I will always be willing to forgive others (Emily)
Matt 6:19-21 "where your treasure is there will your heart be also" Where is my treasure? What do I think about most or set as my highest priority of my time and thoughts? Dictionary says treasure means to "keep in store or in mind"--> my thoughts reflect my treasure.
Matt 6:21, 28-34 just as God takes care of the fowls of the air, He will take care of me! God will help supply our temporal needs as we work to fulfill our spiritual need for Him. "Consider the lilies" This is a lot of verses about how God will take care of our temporal needs; this is a really powerful principle and see the blessing of it in my past and present.
Matt 7:3-4 mote vs. beam. "See clearly" Not only should I be focusing on my own weakness, but I love this scripture because it shows that our own weaknesses actually obstruct our vision of others. In essence, being critical is a greater sin than any other sin (a beam is ALWAYS bigger than a mote)
Matt 7:16-23 many will do all sorts of good works (healing, cast out devils, etc) but if we don't actually know the Savior and if they don't bring us closer to Him, they are of no value to Him or us! Everything is meant to bring me closer to the Savior and to "know Him." I can't imagine what it would be like to meet the Savior and have Him say to me, "I never knew you." By following His commandments with the right intent, it allows us to know Him and Him to know us. Really powerful. Is it really that He knows me better, or that I allow Him to communicate with me? How has being obedient with my heart led me to know the Savior more fully?
Matt 7:24-27 wise man builds His foundation on the rock of Christ by hearing and doing His word (Helaman 5:12)

PONDERIZE SCRIPTURE: Alma 37:37 "Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day."

Sun 1/3
Luke 6:32  "for sinners also love those that love them"--> Do I wait to make sure that others are "worthy" of my love? "You don't have to know people to love them." (RS Broadcast) My love for others should be immediate and unconditional. Too often I am guarded and choosy about my friends and love. The Savior's way is to love all people and make sure they feel you love them regardless of their looks, background, social status, economic state, education level, etc. Love immediately.
Luke 6:35 "love your enemies...hoping for nothing again" Love others without expectation. This reminds me of motive for serving/loving others. It is possible to love others for selfish motives or receiving love in return but the Savior teaches we should love without expectation of reciprocity.
Luke 6:38 "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom." Karma - except better. God promises us that as we are generous with our time, talents, and love, it won't only come back to us but it will be compensated tenfold of what we initially give. Of course, this shouldn't be our motive for giving, but it is good to realize and keep in mind.
D&C 1:10 "the Lord shall come to recompense unto every man according to his work, and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his fellow man" How we treat others matters! And what we give matters in our own relationship with God. We are not an island.

Tues 1/4

Wed 1/5
Luke 7:21 Christ heals- we are given weakness so that Christ can heal us and work miracles in us. Don't resent difficulties, challenges, or weaknesses because they bring us closer to Christ. As I work through them, ask, "What am I supposed to learn from these? How do they bring me closer to Him? How could they if I let them?" 
Matt 11:11 "he that is least in the kingdom is better than he"--> it is best to follow Christ, serve others without fanfare and attention. Reminds me of doing alms before men and how there is no reward when we are prideful and seek attention. 
Luke 7:36-50 all that matters is how deeply we feel for the Savior. The is woman was a sinner but loved the Savior and worshipped Him deeply. That is what matters more than our personal righteousness. How much and how often do I think about the Savior? 

Thurs 1/7 Discovering the Divinity Within (Rosemary M Wixom) GC 2015 
"[Seek] validation vertically from Him and not hoirizontally from the world around us or on Facebook or Instagram." Our worth is not determined by "personal accomplishments, the status we achieve, the marathons we run, or our popularity or self esteem." Really great principle and very hard to implement. We naturally define ourselves by our goals, interests, career, personality traits, but these things do not define us. Our worth is infinite and unchanged by circumstance and the way others treat us. How do I make sure I am getting my validation from the right source? I think the more I focus on serving others/looking outside myself, the more I feel my true worth (lose your life to find it). I feel the most divinity in myself when I am looking out, not in. This is also how Christ built His value- He was constantly serving. The scriptures mention little about His physical appearance, social status, accomplishments, etc. When I think of those I respect most (like my mom and dad) and also those who are least affected by those around them and don't need validation, they are always people that focus on others and serve. 

Fri 1/8 Worthy of Our Promised Blessings (Linda S Reeves) 
"know of nothing that will qualify us for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost as much as virtue." This is a powerful statement. Do I seek to be virtuous at all times? The more virtue I have, the more power to follow the Spirit. 
"Regardless of our age, if what we look at, read, listen to, or choose to do does not meet the Lord’s standards in For the Strength of Youth, turn it off, rip it up, throw it out, and slam the door."--> this should be my attitude with all media that doesn't meet my standards. Her description is very strong. There is no room for apathy or tolerance of things that don't meet His standards. Also, it's very clear here that out media guidelines shouldn't change with age. I can do better at this. Abhor sin and rip it up or throw it out!! 
"A vision of our Father’s incredible promised blessings must be the central focus before our eyes every day--as well as an awareness 'of the multitude of his tender mercies' that we experience on a daily basis."-->life is a time to prepare to meet God, not a time to receive all His promises blessings. These must be our vision even if it is not currently the reality. Do I live with a vision and awareness of promised blessings? Do I live worthy of all that I want? Do I also live with a sensitivity to the tender mercies of the Lord in the process? Pray to recognize them. 

Sun 1/9 
TG "study" (D&C 9) - it takes great effort on our part to gain knowledge and wisdom (treasure, study it out, search) Anyone can gain knowledge, it's just the difference of "am I willing to pay the price of knowledge?" 
-prayers are only effective if you are willing to pay the price beforehand and show God your desire through your efforts first 

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