Friday, January 29, 2016

Jan Week 4 Linds

Ponderize: 1 Peter 4:8 "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins."

Mon 1/24
Matt 14:22-23 Jesus spent time alone in the mountain (temple) praying. Spirituality, although leads us to support and help others, is an individual process and experience and our relationship with Heavenly Father must be individually and personally built.
Matt 14:27-33 coming to Christ like Peter (walking on water), although Christ gives us power like He did Peter, His power is contingent on our faith. Our own faith and doubts determine our ability to access His power. 
Mark 6:48 "fourth watch" God. 
"He watched them toiling and rowing." Although God does not immediately intervene sometimes, He is watching and staying with us through difficult times. 
"We worship a fourth watch God. So when the trials aren’t over and the blessings don’t come, don’t assume that He is not there, or He is not listening, or He doesn’t care, or you’re not worthy. Always assume you have not yet reached the fourth watch."
Mark 6:51-52 how did the disciples forget the miracle of the loaves already? Their hearts were hardened- the condition of our hearts (which I think is directly related to our pride/humility) directly correlates to our ability to recognize His miracles in our lives. What miracles do I see? Do I expect to see more or am I surprised at them? 

Tues 1/25
God is at the Helm (M Russel Ballard)
Truths we should hold on to even when we experience doubts, trials, or offense: 
1. Church is led by prophets and apostles 
"Looking for human weakness in others is rather easy. However, we make a serious mistake by noticing only the human nature of one another and then failing to see God’s hand working through those He has called." 
2. Plan of salvation 
3. Adam & Eve and families 
4. keeping the sabbath day holy 
How has focusing on the doctrines of the Gospel helped me? Perspective, understanding of my purpose and value, motivation to work hard and serve and be better. 

Wed 1/26 
John 6:27 our labor should focus on that which is worth laboring for (v.58) "eateth this bread shall not hunger" (when we need confront or help, go to the source, not cheap imitations) 
John 6:68 Peter says "where with shall I go? Thou hast the words of eternal life"- do I view Christ and His gospel as paramount and sufficient for all I need? I love Peter's response. He has his priorities straight. 
Matthew 15:8-9 "draw near to me with their lips but their hearts are far from me"- what is the condition of my heart? Is it changing or am I going through the motions? What can I do today because of what I've studied? Who can I serve? 
Matthew 15:14 "blind lead the blind"- who am I following? Taking advice or knowledge from those that are also blind does nothing! Do I turn to Heavenly Father to calm my fears? Or am I turning to worldly sources? 

Thurs 1/27
Yielding Our Hearts to God (Neill F. Marriott) GC October 2016
-Family motto of "It will all work out" (but not necessarily now or in the way we want it to) "This doesn't mean all things are good, but for the meek and faithful, things--both positive and negative--work together for good, and the timing is the Lord's." How have I seen this in my life? I see that a lot of the things that I viewed as negative have brought positive things in the future. How would my perspective, worries, doubts, life change if I had this motto and belief that "It would all work out" ?
"When we are yielded and still, our minds can be directed to something more we may need to change--something that is limiting our capacity to receive spiritual guidance or even healing and help." What is holding me back from fulfilling my potential? What else do I need to change or do? For ex) resentment- "Your resentment diminshes your progress and damages your ability to have healthy relationships." The Spirit would tell me to let it go!
"Can we love Jesus Christ and His way more than we love ourselves and our own agenda?"

Fri 1/28
Mark 7:15 Nothing defiles a man more than what comes out of him- what are my words and actions? They are more important than what goes into me (higher law). Mark 7:20-24 what we do effects us. (Portrait of Dorian Grey)-- our thoughts, actions, desires actually can either make us clean or actually literally defile us. Which do I want? What can I do more to become better? Good works and good thoughts.
Mark 8:1-9 Why does Jesus perform this miracle? (multiplying of the loaves and fishes). What significance does it have? Just as Christ could multiply the food for the people, He can multiply our efforts when we consecrate our lives, talents, time, jobs, school, relationships over to Him. How can I consecrate my relationships over to Him? Have the perspective of, Who does He want me to be here or What can I do or What can I learn from this person attitude. Also, He can and does satisfy our needs and desires tenfold when we rely on Him (seek first the kingdom of God). Material and spiritual needs. How can I turn more to Him in these different aspects of my life?   

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