Sunday, January 17, 2016

January week 2- Linds

Ponderize: Alma 7:23 
23 And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

Mon 1/11
Alma 30:43-44 (D&C 63:11-12) Korihor seeks for a sign. Alma responds that God has already given him signs. Why is it significant that we act by faith instead of signs? It takes faith to see the sign, and also, agency and choice to believe or act makes us accountable for our choices more than it being given to us easily. How often do I demand bigger signs that God is influencing my every day when there is already evidences of that if I look? What evidences do I see daily? Importance of looking for tender mercies. 
Mark 3:35 We can be Christ's family when we follow Him. How does my perspective change when I think of Christ as my brother? Also, how does my perspective change when I treat all people as my family? 

Tues 1/12
Matthew 13:18-23 I think my heart cycles through all of these states in life. The key is build a strong foundation, seek to understand the word, not let the cares of the world choke out righteous desires. Importance of hearing and understanding. What's my attitude? To understand? Humility creates an environment where I don't know everything and need understanding.  Interesting how offense is linked to a lack of depth and a shallow foundation. How is this related to relationships with others? If I seek to build a sure foundation of confidence in myself and base it on my divine nature (GC talk), I will be less offended by the small things people do or don't do. 
Matthew 13:30 tares and wheat must grow together. Reminds me of P. Nelson's words about how "there servants of Satan among us" so be careful who you heed. Be kind but also be cautious who you surround yourself with and who you listen to. Also, expect the evil to continue to grow not just be stagnant (as the righteous grow too)

Wed 1/13
Mormon 9:30-31 imperfections allow us to understand the mercy of God; it is relieving to know that our church leaders (especially Joseph Smith as a young, inexperienced leader) are imperfect men striving to learn the true way to lead (just like Mormon and Moroni I this verse). Weaknesses may lead to cause for offense but they should really lead us to understand the mercy of God. 

Thurs 1/14
Mark 4:22 "ears to hear" what does this mean? This implies that I can be going to church and hearing with my ears but not with my heart. It's possible to have ears that don't hear-- I think this is linked to our level of humility and desire to change. 
Mark 4:24 "unto you that hear shall more be given"--> sometimes I want all the answers now, but God is merciful in that He doesn't make me responsible for things I am not ready for. As we act on principles He gives to us, we are enabled to receive more. 
Luke 8:14 "choked with cares, riches, pleasures" how do these three appear in my life? Don't let them be the motivations behind decisions. They will choke out the good I already have.
Luke 8:15 "bring forth fruit with patience"--> patience is as attribute i don't naturally have but is essential to "bring forth good fruit." Everything worth anything takes time to grow, just like you can't rush plants or fruit to grow on your timetable 

Fri 1/15 
Matthew 13:15 it is essential that I am humble and "hear with my ears" and "understand with my heart" that He can heal me. A broken heart is necessary. Is my heart broken? How do I become that way so that I can be healed and change? Prayer, choosing to be humble and asking for His help instead of thinking I can do things on my own. 
Luke 8:16 sharing our talents is not prideful- light is meant to share! That is the exact purpose of our talents and testimony- to share with others. Do I have this perspective in missionary work? 
Matt 13:46 what God has to offer (kingdom of God, pearl) is worth selling all that we hath- it's better and more important than all else. 
Matt 8:24-27, mark 4:38-40 "carest thou not that we perish"-- "there was a great calm" "peace be still"--> I have always loved this passage. Christ can calm our stresses, fears and bring real peace to my life even when I exercise faith. How is faith related to Christ's ability to calm is and for us to feel peace? He can't calm us unless we let Him, give up our fears to Him, and turn everything over to Him. How do I do that? I think recognizing that He is in control and that He has my best interest in mind helps me to strengthen my faith and have peace. I am so grateful for this inner peace that is incomparable to worldly peace. 

Sat 1/16 It Works Wonderfully (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
"Sometimes the truth may just seem too straightforward, too plain, and too simple for us to fully appreciate its great value. So we set aside what we have experienced and know to be true in pursuit of more mysterious or complicated information."-->This is good to keep in mind with goal setting. Sometimes the best goal is to SIMPLIFY instead of add more to our lives. What are my core goals? My core belifs? How do all the activities I do every day (school, work, friendships) lead me to those core beliefs/goals? Developing self-control in studying/working and in my personal relationships (acting instead of reacting) is a core part of my personal goals - learning to love others and put their needs first. Work and school and friendships are good opportunities to "practice" Christlike attributes (ex with my coworkers when they frustrate me, etc)
--Disciplineship is about love of God "Because we love God..." ("The more we trust God, the more our hearts are filled with love for Him and for each other.")-->How does trust enable us to love others more fully and condition our hearts to love Him and love each other? When we trust God and His plan for us, we are at peace (deep inside) and are enabled to focus on others more.
"Sometimes we feel discouraged because we are not 'more' of something--more spiritual, respected, intelligent, healthy, rich, friendly, or capable."--> Guilt complex of some LDS culture- this is Satan's tool of twisting the idea of perfection and worthiness. He wants us to find reasons not to turn to God.

"We don't need to be 'more' of anything to start to become the person God intended us to become. God will take you as you are at this very moment and begin to work with you."- I really love this quote and concept. When we feel the least worthy because of personal weakness is the moment God can help us the MOST.

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