Friday, March 18, 2016

March Week 3- Linds


Tues 3/15
Be Not Afraid, Only Believe (Dieter F. Uchtdorf GC 2015)
Do we stand loyal to God?
Do we practice what we preach, or are we Sunday Christians only?
Do our daily actions reflect clearly what we claim to believe?
"[Satan] slyly suggests that the doubter, teh skeptic, the cynic is sophisticated and intelligent, while those who have faith in God and His miracles are naive, blind, or brain-washed. Satan will advocate that it is cool to doubt spiritual gifts and the teachings of true prophets."
"...we believe in God because of things we know with our heart and mind, not because of things we do not know."--> How do I feel the answers to my prayers or concerns in my heart and mind? How do spiritual confirmations manifest themselves in my heart? In my mind? feelings vs. thoughts
"If we can put the burden of proof on God, we think we can excuse ourselves from taking God's commandments seriously and from taking responsibility for our relationship with our Heavenly Father...there is nothing noble or impressive about being cynical. Skepticism is easy-- anyone can do it. It is the faithful life that requires moral strength, dedications, and courage." What kind of person do I want to be?

Wed 3/16
Agency and Love in Marriage (Lynn G. Robins October 2000 Ensign)
President Spencer W. Kimball explains difference between attraction and real love. Whereas physical attraction alone is "purely grandular," real love is "faith, confidence, understanding, and partnership. It is devotion and companionship, parenthood, common ideals and standards. It is cleanliness of life and sacrifice and unselfishness. This kind of love never tires nor wanes." How can I make sure I am feeding this aspect of my relationship? What else can I do to build these qualities in my relationship? How can I be more unselfish and sacrifice more?
"The command to [love one another] is a directive, an appeal to the mind to make a conscious choice, involving the mind in reasoning and decision making...this is a command that requires a decision." How does this choice manifest itself in my mind?--> thoughts? integrity?

"suffereth long"--> Is patient and tolerant, does not criticize. Recognizes that spouse is progressing, is patient with imperfections
Can we fall out of kindness?
"seeketh not her own"--> think "we" not "I"
"I love you" is more a promise of commitment than a feeling. Use it that way-- build, not fall into strong marriages and relationships.

Thurs 3/17
Matthew 19:21-22 Am I willing to give away all my possessions? Are there some things that I become attached to? How can I show that my testimony/faith is more important than my riches?
Mark 10:24 "trust" in riches--> what do I put my trust in? God or things? True stability comes from God.
Mark 10:27 "with God all things are possible"--> When we build our relationship and trust on God, all things are possible. There is nothing to fear
Matthew 19:29 "And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life." --> Idea of compensation: whatever we sacrifice now shall not only be compensated, but we shall be given AN HUNDREDFOLD. In this context, nothing is a sacrifice!
Mark 10:30 "Be he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life."

Fri 3/18
Mark 10:37-38 These men want the glory without paying the price. Christ responds that can not sit on his right hand/left at the last day unless they are willing to pay the price of discipleship - to be "servant to all"--> what is my attitude when I have opportunities to serve that may be inconvenient or exhausting to me? My attitude should be "servant to all" no matter what the recipient's reaction/appreciation level is. In addition, how many times do I want the added spirituality, the peace of righteous living, strong faith, answers to my prayers, and strong character without putting forth all of the WORK that is necessary to become so to receive what I want? The Gospel takes work - in every form, whether it be the self-restraint to love when I naturally would not, or the self-restraint to be patient and hold my tongue (not my forte), or the patience to wait for prayers, or the decision to have faith instead of doubt, or the decision to sacrifice when the opportunity arises? Or simply the grit to endure trials or take on challenges? It helps to focus on what these things will make me become if I let them, instead of on what I want. It is always worth the price!
Matthew 20:34 Why did these people "immediately receive sight" whereas other people that Christ healed had to go and wash, etc? Why does God sometimes require effort and patience and other times it is immediate? It's important to realize that answers can come in either way, but it doesn't mean He didn't hear us. It just means there is an added agenda of helping us build faith or patience.

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