Sunday, October 25, 2015

October Week 3- Linds

Mon 10/19
Alma 40:23 this is just beautiful. What does the resurrection mean to me? It means our bodies are important and vital parts of our eternal progression. We will be resurrected "all thing restored to their proper and perfect frame" and "the body to the soul"--of course Satan is going to attack our bodies and encourage us to misuse them in every way possible. But we can tell from this doctrine that Our bodies are celestial and we will take them with us. Beautiful! 

Tues 10/20
Alma 41:11, Mosiah 3:19, D&C 67:12, 1 Cor 2:14 all teach me that "natural" state of man is contrary to the state of happiness. So many people argue that things are good because they are "natural" (my theory professor) but "natural" is not justification or rationale for "good" or "right." The purpose of life is to overcome the "natural" and make decisions with our soul. 

Wed Oct 21
What Lack I Yet? Larry R Lawrence 
“It is our duty to be better today than we were yesterday, and better tomorrow than we are today.”
"If spiritual growth is not a priority in our lives, if we are not on a course of steady improvement, we will miss out on the important experiences that God wants to give us."- what am I doing to be better today? Do I know what I need to improve  from yesterday? Set daily goals. 

Thurs Oct 22
Alma 42:26-28 the Plan of Salvation beautifully respects our agency. We ourselves determine what the Plan is to us, according to our actions and desires (Alma 41). Is it destruction and misery or is it redemption and happiness? Love the line "and whosever will not come is not compelled to come." God will not compel us to do anything, which is the purest form of respect, love, and patience. The Plan hinges on our agency and will alone. 

Fri 10/23
GC Shipshape and Bristle Fashion Quentin L Cook 
3 suggestions to keep us Shishape: 
1. Exercise self control- again, "Self-control is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Avoiding something tempting once will help you develop the ability to resist other temptations in the future.” 
2. Keep the sabbath day holy- this seems to be a huge divider. What does it mean to keep the sabbath day holy? Everyone has a different definition. What blessings have I seen in my life as a result of living this commandment? "Improve your worship"-what does that mean and how could I further improve what I'm already doing? Preparing better for the Sacrament. 
3. Recognize gift of the Holy Ghost 

Sat 10/24
Alma 43:43-47 both the Lamanites and Nephites fought with courage and strength and were inspired by leaders. The difference was that the Nephites fought for a better cause. Talk Good, Better, Best (Dallin H Oaks) comes to mind.
 "Just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it...Some things are better than good and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives." 
"Not everything is worth the portion of our lives we give it." 
"To innovate does not necessarily mean to expand, but to simplify." Standard for time management- does it increase and strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ?

Sun 10/25
 Meeting the Challenges of Today's World- Robert D Hales
"The Lord will always keep his promise: I will lead you along. The only question is: will we allow ourselves to be led?" -->my prayers reflect my attitude/willingness to be led. What is my attitude when I am praying? LOVE THIS
-Conduct "personal councils" --"After praying, spend some time alone. Think about what is ahead. Ask yourself: “What areas of my life do I want to strengthen so that I can strengthen others? Where do I want to be a year from now? two years from now? What choices do I need to make to get there?” Just remember, you are a pilot, and you are in charge. I testify that as you come to yourself, your Heavenly Father will come to you.

Week 2 - Samuel

Ponderize Scripture
2 Nephi 32:9 "But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any things unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul"

Tuesday 10/20
D&C 56:14-15 "...your sins have come up unto me, and are not pardoned, because you seek to counsel in your own ways.  And you hearts are not satisfied. And ye obey not the truth..."  The part that really struck me was the "counsel(ing) in your own ways".  Do I include the Lord in the making of my plans? Do I counsel with him and seek his guidance and confirmation?  I realize that many things don't matter so much (what you ate or what you plan to wear), but many things do matter and including the Lord in our decision process even though we make the final decision helps us to be forgiven, to see the truth, and be satisfied (I think of peace of conscience).

Wednesday 10/21
D&C 58:3-4 "Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes...the design of your God...For after much tribulation cometh the blessings".  My thoughts went to eternal perspective.  Our Heavenly Father has a perfect path for each of us to follow so that we can become like him.  That path is filled with hardships that can exponentially increase our becoming like him, but with those hardships (which are actually blessings in themselves) come the sweet tender mercies of the Lord.  I wonder why it is so hard for me to have that perspective.

Thursday 10/22
"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is.  It all works out.  Don't worry.  I say that to myself every morning.  It will all work out.  Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future.  The Lord will not forsake us...If we put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings.  He will hear our prayers." Gordon B. Hinckley.  This has been on my mind recently.  I know that it will work out.

D&C 59:7 "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things."  I don't ever remember seeing this before that the Lord COMMANDS us to be thankful.  Why should I be thankful?  Why is it so important?  I don't think the Glory of God changes or that his self-esteem is hurt when he is not recognized.  Being thankful is more for us as a way to always be faced toward him, to keep a broken heart and a contrite spirit and purge pride from our hearts.

Friday 10/23
D&C 64:33-34 "Be not weary in well-doing...out of small things proceedeth that which is great...the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind."  I think of how President Monson would say that if the Lord needed an errand run, Tommy Monson would run that errand.  It is hard to see how small things affect the greater outcome/result, but surprisingly they do.  How is my comportment when I see a service to be rendered or when asked to provide a service?  Am I willing to be on the Lord's errand at all times or only when it is convenient?

Saturday 10/24
D&C 67:10 "...insamuch as you strip yourselves from jealousies and fears, and humble yourselves before me, for ye are not sufficiently humble, shall see me and know that I am."  It really amazes me how often the Lord chastened the early Saints for their pride.  They saw great miracles and felt the spirit testify time and time again.  Interesting.  Also, to see him and know that he is...what does that mean? Does that mean that by being humble the Atonement is able to work in our lives?  If not, then it doesn't.  I suppose that is true.

Sunday 10/25
Henry B. Eyring The Holy Ghost as Your Companion.  The Holy Ghost can't just be w/ you now and then, but always as is promised in the sacramental prayer.  "The companionship of the Holy Ghost makes what is good more attractive and temptation less compelling."  I really liked that promise.  President Eyring did say; however, that it is not enough to be obedient to the commandments, rather having the Holy Ghost always requires us to follow the promptings that come.  As we follow the whisperings of the spirit, more inspiration comes and the spirit is with us more and more.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 1 - Samuel

Ponderize Scripture
Mosiah 4:27 "And see that these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength.  And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order." This scripture 

10/12 Sunday
Alma 5:14-15 Various questions came to mind: How is my testimony? Do I feel that everything will work out not matter what?  Do I feel the Holy Ghost in my life? Am I looking to bless the lives of others?  Do I think of the Savior Jesus Christ often? Do I pray sincerely to Heavenly Father?

10/13 Monday
President Dieter F Uchtdorf It Works Wonderfully! Wisdom only comes from God so I should constantly be seeking him.

10/14 Tuesday
Elder James B. Martino Turn to Him and Answers Will Come I really likes the contrast between Laman and Lemuel, and the Sons of Mosiah.  The Sons of Mosiah sought the Lord through consistent "personal religious habits" and the blessings abounded.  They came to know the Lord whereas Laman & Lemuel knew him not. 

10/15 Wednesday
D&C 33:8-10 "Open your mouths..." Not using a filter when speaking comes to mind.  When someone asks me what I did this weekend...I went to church and learned about how I can be guided in my life as opposed to...I went biking.  It seems like the opportunities are already before us to share the gospel...

10/16 Thursday
D&C 39:6 "this is my gospel--repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which showeth all things, and teacheth the peaceable things of the kingdom."  It hit me here that I need to seek the Holy Ghost more in my life.  It is easy to try to do it all on my own...what if I offered a prayer before starting work or some other activity that I don't usually say a prayer before embarking...

10/17 Friday 
D&C 42:40 "And again, thou shalt not be proud in thy heart; let all thy garments be plain."  Am I seeking the praise of the world? Do material things matter more than they should? I think I can fall into that trap sometimes...

10/18 Saturday 
D&C 43:8 "I give unto you a commandment, that when ye are assembled together ye shall instruct and edify each other..."  :16 "Sanctify yourselves and ye shall be endowed with power,..."

10/19 Sunday 
D&C 45: "Hearken" is used many times.  I think that the Lord is asking us to listen, to feel the Spirit touch our hearts and/or prompt us and/or teach/confirm truth.  How easy it is to focus on the temporal things as opposed to spiritual things when they should be switched...all things are spiritual before they are temporal (D&C 29:34).

10/20 Monday  
"   " Prayer is so much more than asking God for what one wants, rather seeking to align one's will with the Lord's will...this can best be done by seeking the Holy Ghost to know what one should pray.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

October Week 2- Linds

Sat 10/10
Alma 36:17-18 What triggered Alma's change from despair to hope? Thoughts. "as my mind caught hold upon this [the Atonement] thought" and then again I'm vs.19 "...and when I thought this, I remembered my pains no more..." This reminds me of the BD def of repentance "a change of mind, fresh view on the world" What am I doing today to ponder and think about the Atonement? How do my thoughts change as I repent and focus on Christ? 

Sun 10/11
Alma 37:6-7 "...and the Lord doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes..." What means is he referring to? Interesting word choice. To me it means that the ways He works are a means to an end. They are not the end. My job is a means for me to develop Christlike attributes, grow, learn, and serve but it is still a means to a greater end. Everything in this life is a means to an end- am I allowing everything in my life to lead me to the end it was intended for

Mon 10/12
Alma 38:12 "that ye may be filled with love;'"--> everything we do in this life is so that we may be filled with (more) love. Love doesn't mean not getting frustrated with people, it means accepting people for their weaknesses and loving them anyways.

Tues 10/13
Alma 39:9 "Cross yourselves in these things"--> footnote references TG "self mastery"--> So many sins are rooted in a lack of self control or self mastery. Practice self control in one area of my life so I have more in other areas. 

Wed 10/14
Alma 39:14 "Seek not after riches nor the vain things of this world; for behold, you cannot carry them with you" --> what am I doing TODAY to build relationships with other people? That is what matters. Do I have that same perspective in my job too? Classes? Being a disciple of Christ is paramount to all other pursuits.

Thurs 10/15
"Building Character" Kevin J Worthen BYU Speech Sept 15- The difference between Laman/Lemuel and Nephi was their attitude. Outward actions may have been the same, but their murmuring was the discerning factor. How I do things is just as important as what I'm doing, if not more important.

Fri 10/16  
Alma 40:8 "time only is measured unto man" how much of my stress, pain is caused by my conflicts between my concept of time and God's concept of time (or acc. to this scripture, lack of)? All that God cares about is who I am and who I am becoming. That is literally the only thing that matters, and that is completely independent (although may be influenced by) outward circumstances or where we are in the timeline of our life.
 D&C 64:32 "all things shall come to pass in their time" 
"Do your best in what is fundamental and personal and trust in the Lord's timing."  Timing Dallin H Oaks

Sat 10/17
"Can we love Jesus Christ and His way more than we love ourselves and our own agenda?"--> This is manifest in our attitude during trials/service. Do I get frustrated when "my agenda" seems to be frustrated? My happiness should be rooted in doing whatever God wants me to do that day.
"With a growing understanding of the Lord’s grace and mercy, we will find that our self-willed hearts begin to crack and break in gratitude." Yielding our Hearts to God Neill F. Marriott 

Sun 10/18
Church Handbook "Leadership meetings should focus on strengthening individuals and families." What am I doing in my calling to strengthen individuals? Pray for this inspiration and don't divorce my duties from the needs of actual people.

Friday, October 9, 2015

October Week 1- Linds

Motivated by a friend I used to share my morning scripture study takeaways with daily, and by the feeling I got from Conference about finding ways to invite and recognize the Spirit in more abundance daily, I've decided to do a weekly blog post with my daily takeaways from my scripture study. It's mostly for me to have someone(thing) to be accountable to for my spirituality & to enhance my scripture study by summarizing my thoughts with a takeaway. 

Monday 10/5
Alma 32: 28 "Give place" is interesting verbiage here and is listed a few times. What does it mean to "give place" for faith and God in our lives? I think it means first, recognizing that God needs to have a place in your life- you can't do it on your own- and also making time and prioritizing for him daily.

Tuesday 10/6
Alma 33:20 Our understanding of the gospel is directly related to the condition of our hearts. "They did not believe that it would heal them." Belief is a choice born out of a humble heart.
Alma 33:5-11 "Thou didst hear me" is repeated seven times. How has Alma gained a testimony that God hears his prayers? He emphasizes the "mercy of God" several times. Our ability and faith that God answers prayers is directly related to our ability to recognize God's mercy in our lifes (tender mercies).

Wednesday 10/7
Alma 34:32-33 Emphasis on daily progression. Each DAY is given to prepare for eternity. What am I doing today to prepare for eternity? "improve your time"- what does that mean? Time management.

Thursday 10/8 
Robert D Hales talk GC 2015 
"What do I need to strengthen so I can strengthen others?" 
Reach up not out when wanting advice. 
Beware of faith atrophy- weakening of spiritual muscles due to lack of use. What am I do to strengthen my faith muscles daily?

Friday 10/9
Dieter F. Uchtdorf talk GC 2015 "It Works Wonderfully!"
"We don't need to be 'more' of anything to start to become the person God intended us to become. God will take you as you are at this very moment and begin to work with you. All you need is a willing heart, a desire to believe, and trust in the Lord."
- This is so beautiful to me. Satan tries to convince us that we need to prepare ourselves to turn to the Lord, but really, when we turn to the Lord in every moment (when we feel worthy, righteous, or NOT), that turning in and of itself will enable us to become more than we could on our own.