Sunday, October 18, 2015

October Week 2- Linds

Sat 10/10
Alma 36:17-18 What triggered Alma's change from despair to hope? Thoughts. "as my mind caught hold upon this [the Atonement] thought" and then again I'm vs.19 "...and when I thought this, I remembered my pains no more..." This reminds me of the BD def of repentance "a change of mind, fresh view on the world" What am I doing today to ponder and think about the Atonement? How do my thoughts change as I repent and focus on Christ? 

Sun 10/11
Alma 37:6-7 "...and the Lord doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes..." What means is he referring to? Interesting word choice. To me it means that the ways He works are a means to an end. They are not the end. My job is a means for me to develop Christlike attributes, grow, learn, and serve but it is still a means to a greater end. Everything in this life is a means to an end- am I allowing everything in my life to lead me to the end it was intended for

Mon 10/12
Alma 38:12 "that ye may be filled with love;'"--> everything we do in this life is so that we may be filled with (more) love. Love doesn't mean not getting frustrated with people, it means accepting people for their weaknesses and loving them anyways.

Tues 10/13
Alma 39:9 "Cross yourselves in these things"--> footnote references TG "self mastery"--> So many sins are rooted in a lack of self control or self mastery. Practice self control in one area of my life so I have more in other areas. 

Wed 10/14
Alma 39:14 "Seek not after riches nor the vain things of this world; for behold, you cannot carry them with you" --> what am I doing TODAY to build relationships with other people? That is what matters. Do I have that same perspective in my job too? Classes? Being a disciple of Christ is paramount to all other pursuits.

Thurs 10/15
"Building Character" Kevin J Worthen BYU Speech Sept 15- The difference between Laman/Lemuel and Nephi was their attitude. Outward actions may have been the same, but their murmuring was the discerning factor. How I do things is just as important as what I'm doing, if not more important.

Fri 10/16  
Alma 40:8 "time only is measured unto man" how much of my stress, pain is caused by my conflicts between my concept of time and God's concept of time (or acc. to this scripture, lack of)? All that God cares about is who I am and who I am becoming. That is literally the only thing that matters, and that is completely independent (although may be influenced by) outward circumstances or where we are in the timeline of our life.
 D&C 64:32 "all things shall come to pass in their time" 
"Do your best in what is fundamental and personal and trust in the Lord's timing."  Timing Dallin H Oaks

Sat 10/17
"Can we love Jesus Christ and His way more than we love ourselves and our own agenda?"--> This is manifest in our attitude during trials/service. Do I get frustrated when "my agenda" seems to be frustrated? My happiness should be rooted in doing whatever God wants me to do that day.
"With a growing understanding of the Lord’s grace and mercy, we will find that our self-willed hearts begin to crack and break in gratitude." Yielding our Hearts to God Neill F. Marriott 

Sun 10/18
Church Handbook "Leadership meetings should focus on strengthening individuals and families." What am I doing in my calling to strengthen individuals? Pray for this inspiration and don't divorce my duties from the needs of actual people.

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