Friday, October 9, 2015

October Week 1- Linds

Motivated by a friend I used to share my morning scripture study takeaways with daily, and by the feeling I got from Conference about finding ways to invite and recognize the Spirit in more abundance daily, I've decided to do a weekly blog post with my daily takeaways from my scripture study. It's mostly for me to have someone(thing) to be accountable to for my spirituality & to enhance my scripture study by summarizing my thoughts with a takeaway. 

Monday 10/5
Alma 32: 28 "Give place" is interesting verbiage here and is listed a few times. What does it mean to "give place" for faith and God in our lives? I think it means first, recognizing that God needs to have a place in your life- you can't do it on your own- and also making time and prioritizing for him daily.

Tuesday 10/6
Alma 33:20 Our understanding of the gospel is directly related to the condition of our hearts. "They did not believe that it would heal them." Belief is a choice born out of a humble heart.
Alma 33:5-11 "Thou didst hear me" is repeated seven times. How has Alma gained a testimony that God hears his prayers? He emphasizes the "mercy of God" several times. Our ability and faith that God answers prayers is directly related to our ability to recognize God's mercy in our lifes (tender mercies).

Wednesday 10/7
Alma 34:32-33 Emphasis on daily progression. Each DAY is given to prepare for eternity. What am I doing today to prepare for eternity? "improve your time"- what does that mean? Time management.

Thursday 10/8 
Robert D Hales talk GC 2015 
"What do I need to strengthen so I can strengthen others?" 
Reach up not out when wanting advice. 
Beware of faith atrophy- weakening of spiritual muscles due to lack of use. What am I do to strengthen my faith muscles daily?

Friday 10/9
Dieter F. Uchtdorf talk GC 2015 "It Works Wonderfully!"
"We don't need to be 'more' of anything to start to become the person God intended us to become. God will take you as you are at this very moment and begin to work with you. All you need is a willing heart, a desire to believe, and trust in the Lord."
- This is so beautiful to me. Satan tries to convince us that we need to prepare ourselves to turn to the Lord, but really, when we turn to the Lord in every moment (when we feel worthy, righteous, or NOT), that turning in and of itself will enable us to become more than we could on our own.


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