Sunday, October 25, 2015

October Week 3- Linds

Mon 10/19
Alma 40:23 this is just beautiful. What does the resurrection mean to me? It means our bodies are important and vital parts of our eternal progression. We will be resurrected "all thing restored to their proper and perfect frame" and "the body to the soul"--of course Satan is going to attack our bodies and encourage us to misuse them in every way possible. But we can tell from this doctrine that Our bodies are celestial and we will take them with us. Beautiful! 

Tues 10/20
Alma 41:11, Mosiah 3:19, D&C 67:12, 1 Cor 2:14 all teach me that "natural" state of man is contrary to the state of happiness. So many people argue that things are good because they are "natural" (my theory professor) but "natural" is not justification or rationale for "good" or "right." The purpose of life is to overcome the "natural" and make decisions with our soul. 

Wed Oct 21
What Lack I Yet? Larry R Lawrence 
“It is our duty to be better today than we were yesterday, and better tomorrow than we are today.”
"If spiritual growth is not a priority in our lives, if we are not on a course of steady improvement, we will miss out on the important experiences that God wants to give us."- what am I doing to be better today? Do I know what I need to improve  from yesterday? Set daily goals. 

Thurs Oct 22
Alma 42:26-28 the Plan of Salvation beautifully respects our agency. We ourselves determine what the Plan is to us, according to our actions and desires (Alma 41). Is it destruction and misery or is it redemption and happiness? Love the line "and whosever will not come is not compelled to come." God will not compel us to do anything, which is the purest form of respect, love, and patience. The Plan hinges on our agency and will alone. 

Fri 10/23
GC Shipshape and Bristle Fashion Quentin L Cook 
3 suggestions to keep us Shishape: 
1. Exercise self control- again, "Self-control is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Avoiding something tempting once will help you develop the ability to resist other temptations in the future.” 
2. Keep the sabbath day holy- this seems to be a huge divider. What does it mean to keep the sabbath day holy? Everyone has a different definition. What blessings have I seen in my life as a result of living this commandment? "Improve your worship"-what does that mean and how could I further improve what I'm already doing? Preparing better for the Sacrament. 
3. Recognize gift of the Holy Ghost 

Sat 10/24
Alma 43:43-47 both the Lamanites and Nephites fought with courage and strength and were inspired by leaders. The difference was that the Nephites fought for a better cause. Talk Good, Better, Best (Dallin H Oaks) comes to mind.
 "Just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it...Some things are better than good and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives." 
"Not everything is worth the portion of our lives we give it." 
"To innovate does not necessarily mean to expand, but to simplify." Standard for time management- does it increase and strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ?

Sun 10/25
 Meeting the Challenges of Today's World- Robert D Hales
"The Lord will always keep his promise: I will lead you along. The only question is: will we allow ourselves to be led?" -->my prayers reflect my attitude/willingness to be led. What is my attitude when I am praying? LOVE THIS
-Conduct "personal councils" --"After praying, spend some time alone. Think about what is ahead. Ask yourself: “What areas of my life do I want to strengthen so that I can strengthen others? Where do I want to be a year from now? two years from now? What choices do I need to make to get there?” Just remember, you are a pilot, and you are in charge. I testify that as you come to yourself, your Heavenly Father will come to you.

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