Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week 2 - Samuel

Ponderize Scripture
2 Nephi 32:9 "But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any things unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul"

Tuesday 10/20
D&C 56:14-15 "...your sins have come up unto me, and are not pardoned, because you seek to counsel in your own ways.  And you hearts are not satisfied. And ye obey not the truth..."  The part that really struck me was the "counsel(ing) in your own ways".  Do I include the Lord in the making of my plans? Do I counsel with him and seek his guidance and confirmation?  I realize that many things don't matter so much (what you ate or what you plan to wear), but many things do matter and including the Lord in our decision process even though we make the final decision helps us to be forgiven, to see the truth, and be satisfied (I think of peace of conscience).

Wednesday 10/21
D&C 58:3-4 "Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes...the design of your God...For after much tribulation cometh the blessings".  My thoughts went to eternal perspective.  Our Heavenly Father has a perfect path for each of us to follow so that we can become like him.  That path is filled with hardships that can exponentially increase our becoming like him, but with those hardships (which are actually blessings in themselves) come the sweet tender mercies of the Lord.  I wonder why it is so hard for me to have that perspective.

Thursday 10/22
"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is.  It all works out.  Don't worry.  I say that to myself every morning.  It will all work out.  Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future.  The Lord will not forsake us...If we put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings.  He will hear our prayers." Gordon B. Hinckley.  This has been on my mind recently.  I know that it will work out.

D&C 59:7 "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things."  I don't ever remember seeing this before that the Lord COMMANDS us to be thankful.  Why should I be thankful?  Why is it so important?  I don't think the Glory of God changes or that his self-esteem is hurt when he is not recognized.  Being thankful is more for us as a way to always be faced toward him, to keep a broken heart and a contrite spirit and purge pride from our hearts.

Friday 10/23
D&C 64:33-34 "Be not weary in well-doing...out of small things proceedeth that which is great...the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind."  I think of how President Monson would say that if the Lord needed an errand run, Tommy Monson would run that errand.  It is hard to see how small things affect the greater outcome/result, but surprisingly they do.  How is my comportment when I see a service to be rendered or when asked to provide a service?  Am I willing to be on the Lord's errand at all times or only when it is convenient?

Saturday 10/24
D&C 67:10 "...insamuch as you strip yourselves from jealousies and fears, and humble yourselves before me, for ye are not sufficiently humble, shall see me and know that I am."  It really amazes me how often the Lord chastened the early Saints for their pride.  They saw great miracles and felt the spirit testify time and time again.  Interesting.  Also, to see him and know that he is...what does that mean? Does that mean that by being humble the Atonement is able to work in our lives?  If not, then it doesn't.  I suppose that is true.

Sunday 10/25
Henry B. Eyring The Holy Ghost as Your Companion.  The Holy Ghost can't just be w/ you now and then, but always as is promised in the sacramental prayer.  "The companionship of the Holy Ghost makes what is good more attractive and temptation less compelling."  I really liked that promise.  President Eyring did say; however, that it is not enough to be obedient to the commandments, rather having the Holy Ghost always requires us to follow the promptings that come.  As we follow the whisperings of the spirit, more inspiration comes and the spirit is with us more and more.

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