Sunday, February 14, 2016

February Week 1 - Samuel

Ponderize Scripture: John 8:12 "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Monday 2/1
Luke 10:2 "...The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest."  The Lord is calling for all to join in on the missionary effort.  How can I become more involved in missionary work?  The Lord suggests prayer (first part in act of faith)-pray that the missionaries will have the spirit and that I can have opportunities to share (be bold and confident and not have a filter) and then act (second part in act of faith)-seek opportunities, prayer in my heart...
Luke 9:56 "For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."  Jesus is our Savior.  This just gives me such hope.  I just feel my Savior's love.

Tuesday 2/2
Hugh W. Pinnock Ten Keys to Successful Dating and Marriage Relationships (BYU Speech)
"...those of you who will dedicate an important part of your earthly lives to making your eventual eternal marriages succeed."  Marriage is one of the most things I will do; the most important things should require the most time, focus, work, etc... because it will have the greatest impact and potential and outcome than most anything else.  "I know of nothing worthwhile in life that comes easy. However, nothing in life is as valuable as a strong marriage and a secure family."  I love this; this is what I want most in my life.

"Many challenges, however, are very complex.  But I have learned that when we utilize the teachings of the Master, the solutions to even the most difficult of life's challenges are usually basic and easy to implement."  I really like this.  Seek to use the gospel teachings; the solution should be fairly simple.

-Obedience, no sexual experiences, built-in (character) traits already present-these must be present in dating before marriage to find the right person.

"Our marriages and families are built upon heavenly concepts and principles, not upon worldly ideas or solutions."  If I want an eternal family and marriage, then it needs to be based on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

-Belief in Eternal Marriage-some people are fearful of this (I am stuck with this person for the rest of my life?!), but how much more enlightening to realize and maintain the eternal perspective that I can grow together with my wife and it will keep getting better and better.
-Spirituality-"To really succeed, your eternal marriage must be Christ centered."  I think some ways of doing this is to always be talking about the gospel...share what was learned in the scriptures each day, pray together and personally for each other and for charity, do service for each other and together, attend church and discuss what was learned, make goals and help keep each other accountable, D&C 121:36-46-priesthood is only exercised on principles of righteousness.
-Communication-I could quote this entire section; it is so good!  "Do not feel that an intense disagreement in your dating procedure or eventually in marriage indicates that it cannot succeed.  If we are to really communicate, we must be honest when we disagree...A serious disagreement between partners does not mean the two are becoming allergic to one another or that the situation is hopeless.  It merely means that they are human and not yet perfect individuals.  If we can just acknowledge our differences in mature ways, then we will realize that our dating procedure is okay or our marriages eventually will be alright.  Often what happens is that we have simply failed to communicate...let us first communicate about feelings, those throbbings from within, and then we can be concerned with the historical aspects of communication, where we have been and what we have seen."  When issues come up it is probably because of a lack of communication.  It's ok to disagree, but to be respectful of the other's opinion, feelings.  I like this outlook.  It is important to communicate our feelings.
-Kindness-"Never make your date or mate the object of jokes, either in private or in public."  This shows respect.
-Trust-"Both during the dating period and after marriage, do not smother one another with excessive restrictions."  I really like the example he used of our Heavenly Father giving us free-agency and allowing us to grow and develop talents and experience and enjoy life.  It takes love/trust.  "The most fulfilling of all marriages that I have observed seem to be those in which the husband and wife together commit their love to the Savior's keeping and to each other.  They are interested in one another, and yet they set each other free to take on new challenges and to pursue new interests."  The most important is God, second to each other and in that allowing each other to spread his/her wings allows for maximum joy/growth.  I love this!

Wednesday 2/3
---Continuation from yesterday---
-Paying compliments-"And remember, dear friends, that that is part of the responsibility of dating, to handle that precious relationship as if it were fragile because it is.  We all tend to become the persons described in the compliments that our spouses and friends pay us.  We will do almost anything to live up to the compliments and encouragements of a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a proud wife or husband."  I have seen this firsthand.  After receiving a compliment or encouragement I want to do better or continue doing what I started.  I am so grateful for the encouragement that my girlfriend gives me because it helps me to desire to become the best person I can be for her.  It is interesting that it is harder to see the good in oneself than to see the good in others, thus sharing the good qualities that one has with them helps them to see the tender mercies of the Lord in their life.
-Talking Openly-"Never resort to the silent treatment.  Always be open and straightforward with each other."  "The times when we shut others out are often the times when we need their help the most.  Of course we need times of privacy, to think alone.  Of course we need time to pray and to meditate.  And we should understand the respect those needs in others.  However, we should never be inconsiderate or unappreciative of a concerned husband or wife who is trying to help at a time of trouble and discouragement."  Agreed.  Sometimes I need to process what I am thinking but I should allow the other to know that I am doing that and then to share when I do.  Also, I think that I need to do better at letting know what she can do for me.  Most importantly, to remember that we each have the best intentions and desires for each other, so the best way is to communicate openly.
-Apologizing and Forgetting-"Some of the strongest marriages of which I am aware have been between partners who could say, 'I am sorry' and who could forgive.  In addition to saying they're sorry and really meaning it, husbands and wives must avoid bringing up the past."
-Confiding Only in the Bishop-"Never ever, never ever, confide your marriage troubles to a third party, no, not even to your closest friend...Lean on the Savior and rely upon your bishop and your stake president...Remember that because, as the years quickly come and go, there will be stressful times when you will need to talk to someone.  Remember who it should be."  True wisdom in this.
-Having Fun-"Have clean, wholesome fun during your dating years and retain the same joy in marriage.  God intends for us to find joy in life.  Man is that he might have joy.  Most marriages begin with joy, and those that succeed retain it."  How true this is.  I have loved the fun that I have had and I have the goal of having fun forever.  Having fun invites joy into our lives.
"Much of life does not change, but let me testify to you that one area of life is good and will never change--that's when we live the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ."  This is most important.  Seeking Christ should be the most important thing that I do in my life, my first priority.

Thursday 2/4
John 7:17 "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself."  An invitation to try out what Jesus was teaching as well as a check to see if it is right or not. That is one sure find way...if the activity helps me to come closer to God or I feel the love of God then it of him.  I feel like a lot of learning comes from doing, taking the chance or making the risk and then it is very apparent if it is good or not, but it takes that first step of faith first before I will know.  v. 18 "He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him." This is a warning about pride.  How am I prideful?  How can I seek more the glory of God and not mine own?  If the sentence has me in it...?   v.24 JST "Judge not according to your traditions, but judge righteous judgment."  I really like this.  From how I was raised and things that I have seen in my life, I have seen certain things and/or have a certain perspective that is one more of tradition than one of doctrine.  My biases come out; it seems foreign to me even though it may not be bad.  How can I recognize what traditions cloud my judgement?...pray for eyes to see and ears to hear, for charity, see everyone is a child of God, put myself in their shoes...try to see others as God would see them.

Friday 2/5
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland How Do I Love Thee?

Saturday 2/6
Elder Lynn G. Robbins Agency in Love and Marriage

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