Sunday, February 14, 2016

February Week 2-Linds

Tues 2/9
Luke 9:23-26 Christ's way is to focus on others and lose our lives; Satan's way is to figure out what you want and to focus on yourself. What can I do to "lose my life" today? And focus on others? 
Mark 8:32-33 Peter says that Christ was wrong and Christ rebukes Satan. Very interesting that Satan was working in Peter or influencing him. We should analyze ourselves and our thoughts to figure out where they are coming from. Discouragement or negativity never come for God.
What Lack I Yet? (Larry R. Lawrence)

Wed 2/10
 The Pleasing Word of God (Francisco J. Vinas) 
"It is important that we realize that just like the remission of sins, repentance is a process and not something that happens at one particular moment. It requires consistency in each of its steps."
How can I make progress in overcoming personal weakness? The last talk from yesterday was about finding out "What lack I yet?" and what we need to work on, but for me, the question still remains, how do we actually overcome those weaknesses and change who we are?
1. Partake of the sacrament- "an expression of our sincere intent"
2. Remember Him each day (scripture study, thoughts, inviting the Spirit into our lives)
3. Obedience in actions
4. Try not to be entangled in the "vanities of the world"---how might that happen? not showing up to sacrament on time or having examined ourselves beforehand and sought repentance (do I do that?), using cell phone, texting 
5. Actively try to submit our "will, passions, and feelings" to God-- change our desires

Thurs 2/11 ShipShape and Bristol Fashion: Be Temple Worthy-in good times and in bad times
Quentin L Cook
How do we keep ourselves in shipshape and bristol fashion? (in addition to temple worthiness) 
1. Self-control- "Self-control is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Avoiding something tempting once will help you develop the ability to resist other temptations in the future." I love this principle and it makes me want to practice self-control in my eating/other aspects of my life (too much chocolate lately) so that I can practice in spiritual ways as well. Reminds me of the idea that nothing is purely termporal- it always relates to our spiritual side too.
2. Honor Sabbath day- how can I make sure I keep the Sabbath day holy?
3. Divine Protections are provided when we are righteous- the Holy Ghost as a cleansing agent.

Fri 2/12
 Matthew 7:202-21 "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting" (prayer and fasting are the avenues to build and exercise faith) How can I build my faith? Does the Savior require faith porportionate to the miracles we want? NO, that is the beautiful thing about the gospel- as we exercise as little faith as a mustard seed, He is able to bless us hundredfold our efforts (move mountains)
Luke 9:43 We have to have faith first in order to understand the mysteries of the kingdom; we should not fear to ask the Lord to help us understand when we don't understand
Luke 9:46-48 "for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great" How am I serving others today?

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