Friday, April 8, 2016

April Week 1 Linds

Ponderize: John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.""

Mon 4/4
Jeffry R. Holland GC talk (April 2016 Sunday afternoon session)
-We get credit just for trying. Satan wants us to give up, to feel overcome by our weakness and inability to be perfect in all the things that we know/feel. Knowing the Gospel and applying the Gospel are two different things; we can not become overwhelmed when our own expectations for ourselves prove to be too high, or when we can't apply all the things we know/feel.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf GC talk (April 2016 Priesthood session)
Abraham Lincoln- "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be."
-Happiness is a decision not a circumstance or feeling (just like love)!

Tues 4/5
John 13:6-8 Peter doesn't want Christ to wash his feet but Christ exclaims, "If I wash there not, thou hast no part in me." --How does repentance and healing make us more unified with Christ? Are there times when I am like Peter and don't want to inconvenience the Savior by my problems? He wants to heal me, help me, and it's essential that I turn to Him because that makes me "part of Him." 
John 13:14-17 none of us are too high and mighty to exclude ourselves from serving others (washing others' feet)-> He gives us a recipe for happiness. He says, "Happy are Ye if ye do them." The key to happiness is service. How can I serve better those around me- coworkers, roommates, and most importantly, Samuel? The Savior promises that as we serve others in profound ways (washing someone else's feet is not just ordinary service- it is service that could only be done with humility and debasing oneself) we will be happy. 
John 13:34-35 "this shall all men know that Ye are my disciples, if he have love one to another"--> the crowning characteristic of whether we are a disciple or not is if we have love for each other. How can I show this love to those around me? Pray for this. It is more important than anything else. How do I feel love from the Savior? From the apostles and prophets on the earth? They are willing to sacrifice for me and I can feel their genuine love for me when they speak and share their messages.

Wed 4/6
John 14:26 Comforter will come and teach me and bring all things to my remembrance that God has said.
John 14:27 "27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Learn to recognize peace and when it comes from God--> it will not replicate the type of peace the world gives. What type of peace does the world give? Freedom, yoga-type peace (which is good) but how does it compare to the peace that comes when I partake of the Sacrament? Attend the temple? Serve someone else? Make the right decision? 
John 14:18 "I will not leave you comfort less, I will come to you."--> if I feel comfortless, then I need to wait it out; He promised to not leave us comfortless so it is just a matter of waiting and recognizing the Holy Ghost in my life. Luke 22:31 Christ's relationship with Peter. Even Peter had good intentions and eventually had to face his own inadequacy and failure to always live up to his righteous intentions. 
John 15:10 keeping the commandments helps us to "abide in His love" (I feel like this has connection to the Holy Ghost)

Thurs 4/7
John 16:21-22 the price for joy- we may feel sorrow, but the joy will overcome the sorrow if we live righteously and wait log enough :) 
Matt 26:41 "spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak"--> even the apostles experienced the consequences of strong intentions and weak follow through. It's ok! Just like Jeffery R Holland said, you get credit for trying. 
Matt 26:39 Christ expresses His own desire (cup pass) but then submits His will to God's "but thy will be done." He is the perfect example of how we should pray.

Fri 4/8
2 Nephi 9:21-22 Christ's mission and purpose is to "save all men if they will hearken to His voice"; Christ spent His whole life serving others, healing others, and helping others. He did not spend any of His time doing selfish things to make himself look better. Is my attitude in all that I do (job, personal relationships, friendships, life) to serve others and help them? Conversely, do I utilize the Atonement and Christ's power to heal me every day? 

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