Monday, April 18, 2016

April week 3- Linds

Mon 4/18
Matt 27:12 Jesus was accused falsely many times and never acted defensively
Matt 27:4-5 Judas realizing his fault and hangs himself. Sad ending, it's always interesting that Satan really deserts people in the end. In the long run, making good decisions and following Christ will always leave us happier. And choosing Satan will always leave us empty and miserable. 

Tues 4/19
Mark 15:32 how often do we have this mindset of "show me and I will believe." These people obviously had no intention of believing Christ. If they saw a sign, they still would not believe. Jesus could have showed them a sign (just like He can show us when we plead for one), but He knows it would be detrimental to our progress because we are here to "walk by faith."
Luke 23:39 you would think the thief being crucified alongside Jesus would be humbled but he is not. Contrast him to the other thief in 40-41 that has been humbled and understands his own sin and consequence for them.
John 19:19 Pilate knows the Christ is the King of the Jews 
3 Nephi 8:21-22 "22 And there was not any light seen, neither fire, nor glimmer, neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the stars, for so great were the mists of darkness which were upon the face of the land." Why are these symbols significant? Christ is the source of all light in the world (literal and figurative). Whether we follow him or recognize Him or not, He still is the source of all that is good. Sinning and following Satan or giving in to him will always bring darkness. When have I seen this in my life? Satan tries to make us confused and feel darkness. When I sin I feel that. This is also evident in the temple- when I attend the temple regularly, I feel enlightened, calm, peaceful, and the world seems brighter. 

Thurs 4/21
John 19:26-27 interesting that Christ tells his disciple to adopt his mother as their mother - why would he do this? To teach us that we are all family and should treat each other as such. 

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