Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April week 2 Linds

Tues 4/12
The Holy Ghost- Robert D. Hales, GC April 2016
-in important decisions, Lord expects us to "use our agency, study it out in our mind according to gospel principles, and bring a decision to Him in prayer." How do the principles of agency and prayer/seeking revelation work together in my life? What else can I do to seek out the answers to my questions on my own? How does faith play into all of this? 
"The Holy Ghost is not given to control us." I love this idea and this truth that God wants us to use our agency and act in faith. Sometimes I wish I could have bigger answers but part of our existence is learning to trust what we have and trust in God as we follow Him. 
-Satan will try to counterfeit the Holy Ghost but we are promised we will be able to discern if we obey the commandments and keep our covenants.- a great promise! 
Blessings of Holy Ghost: "personal revelation and constant flow of daily guidance, caution, encouragement, strength, spiritual cleansing, comfort, and peace that have come to our family through the Holy Ghost"-- How do I see these blessings in my life daily? I definitely do. Ability to see His guidance in my life daily! 

Wed 4/13
Refuge from the Storm 
-Their story is my story, Mormons were refugees! And so was Jesus. 
-part of the invitation to not turn away the naked and feed the hungry refers to these millions of refugees! 
 "The possibilities for us to lend a hand and be a friend are endless." Look for these opportunities. 
-increase your world awareness (read the news instead of Facebook)
-Being a refugee does not define them but our response to them will define us. What am I doing to help them? 
Mark 14:61-62 Christ was able to keep His calm in the midst of numerous false accusations. 
Matthew 26:75 Peter denies Christ thrice presumably because he cares too much about what other people think. How often am I in this situation & maybe don't stand up for my belief of Christ when the opportunity arises? How often do I keep my mouth shut or try to get along with others instead of testify of Christ? Peter's response that he "wept bitterly" shows how even the best of people have faults and fail to live up to their own intentions (reminds me of Elder Holland's talk). It is very hopeful for us that Peter was still a good man and was able to be a disciple even with his weakness. 
Elder Holland: Satan wants us to be miserable and discouraged because he can't improve and he is miserable. He hates it when we progress and make good decisions. The beautiful thing about the Atonement and plan is that we get credit for trying and we have "help from heaven on high" 
"The Lord blesses those who want to improve, who accept the need for commandments and try to keep them, who cherish Christlike virtues and strive to the best of their ability to acquire them."
-the foundation stone of our daily life should be that God loves me with all His heart, might, mind, and strength. 
-through the Atonement, we can escape the consequences of sin and stupidity 
"If we give our heart to God, if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, if we do the best we can to live the gospel, then tomorrow--and every other day--is ultimately going to be magnificent, even if we don’t always recognize it as such. Why? Because our Heavenly Father wants it to be! He wants to bless us." Love this. It is a beautiful promise and the source of our optimism! I love it. Treat every day as if it is magnificent because it is, with the eternal perspective of the truths of the gospel and the Atonement. Be optimistic! Helaman 5:12- we will experience Satan's storms but they will not bring us down. 

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