Saturday, November 14, 2015

November Week 2 Linds

Ponderize: Hebrews 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

Mon 11/9 Beware of Pride (Ezra Taft Benson)
"The proud cannot accept the authority of God giving direction to their lives...the proud wish God to agree with them. They are interested in changing their opinions to agree with God's." When I think I know more than God and don't accept His direction in my life, this is pride!
CS Lewis: "Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man...It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition has gone, pride has gone."
-Comparison, whether I come out on top or whether I am lacking, is always connected to pride. When I feel a lack of unity with those around me, this is pride creeping in. Only when I am routing for other people am I humble.

Tues 11/10 (Ezra Taft Benson) Beware of Pride
"When pride has a hold on our hearts, we lose our independence of the world and deliver our freedoms to the bondage of men’s judgment."- being humble allows to fill the directive to be "in the world but not of the world." Just as sin takes away our freedom, so does pride as it puts us in competition with the world and subjects us to their judgement. 
D&C 60:2 "they hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of men." How often do I shy away from developing talents and fulfilling the measure of my own creation because I'm scared of what people think? 
"[Pride] is manifest in so many ways, such as faultfinding, gossiping, backbiting, murmuring, living beyond our means, envying, coveting, withholding gratitude and praise that might lift another, and being unforgiving and jealous."---what struck me is the "withholding gratitude and praise that might lift another"-->how often do I think something positive and not vocalize it? When I actively seek to lift others, I am fighting pride. When I actively seek to increase and express gratitude, I am fighting pride. Go out of my way today to give sincere compliments or express gratitude to three people. 

Wed 11/11
-listened to the talks of three new apostles and prophets this morning. I was struck with a feeling of gratitude for the service they render and how selfless their lives are. This is motivating for me to figure out what Heavenly Father wants from me and to sacrifice willingly. How can I magnify my calling more fully?

Thurs 11/12 Beware of Pride (Ezra Taft Benson)
" The proud depend upon the world to tell them whether they have value or not. Their self-esteem is determined by where they are judged to be on the ladders of worldly success. [Pride] says, 'If you succeed, I am a failure.'"
"If we love God, do His will, and fear His judgment more than men’s, we will have self-esteem."-self esteem comes from living righteously and understanding our relationship to God. Where do I root my self esteem? Does it grow out of knowing I follow Christ the best I can? That kind of self esteem is unaffected by outward circumstances. 

Fri 11/13 Beware of Pride (Ezra Taft Benson)
How do I overcome pride? We must CHOOSE to be humble. Humility is not natural; it is part of overcoming the natural man and becoming a saint. We must make the choice. Do I recognize when the choice to be humble or prideful presents itself? Do I react or act intentionally to different situations?
1. conquering enmity toward our brothers and sisters by esteeming them as ourselves, lifting them as high or higher than we are
2. receiving counsel and chastisement
3. forgiving those who have offended us
4. rendering selfless service
5. going on missions and preaching the gospel
6. getting to the temple MORE frequently- Can I go more than I am?
7. confessing & forsaking sins and being born of God
8. loving God and submitting our will to His, putting him first in our lives
------how can I put Heavenly Father's will first in my life? (3Ne11:11 following Christ's example; 3Ne13:33 seek first kingdom of God- prioritize-I've been bad this week of putting it first--get more sleep next week and wake up earlier)
Moroni 10:32

Sat 11/14
How do I qualify for the Atonement? How do I become perfect when I am constantly faced with weaknesses?
Moroni 10:32 "deny yourselves of all ungodliness"-->what does that mean?
"love God with all our might, mind, strength" (How do I demonstrate my love for God? Why is love broken down to three different aspects and how do their meanings differ)- see talk below
...THEN is His grace sufficient for you, that by that grace I can become perfect.  
 And with All They Mind (John W Welch BYU Devotional 2003)
"The gospel is not a cafeteria plan. We can’t just pick and choose the parts we like."- importance of loving God with ALL our faculties (we don't choose which things to believe)
"A wise drama teacher once said, 'Forget your best idea.' Clinging to it will often block the flow of even greater creativity and more expansive inspiration."- be open to new ideas and better ideas, this is part of humility
-memorize scriptures, repent of erroneous thoughts that turn us away from Him, utilize the Spirit in our intellectual pursuits

"If you love God, you will think of Him often. You will want to share with Him your whole day, every day and every night, Fridays as well as Sundays, everything you have thought, said, and done. You miss Him and hope to see Him again."
Sun 11/15 
-peace and happiness come from TRUST in truth. (Pres. Eyring's motto according to his granddaughter) 
-"The Spirit is kind, but not sweet, firm but not mean, matter of fact." -Pres Eyring quote. 
Why is trust so hard and why is trust so essential? I think by nature, trust implies that there will be at last some uncertainty, some level of doubt that you will need conquer or live with and that you will choose to believe regardless that it will all work out. Beautiful and terrifying and also what faith means entirely

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