Sunday, November 1, 2015

October Week 4- Linds

Mon 10/26
A plea to my sisters" (Russell M Nelson) and "Behold Thy Mother" (Jeffrey R Holland) -I love these talks and they speak to me about what it means to be a woman of God and a mother. Fills me with gratitude for my mother (who fits the description). What is expected of me, having received so much in terms of worldly support?

Tues 10/27
Alma 44:3 Moroni as a missionary- how many times do I avoid the topic of religion or not explain why I am the way I am because I know people aren't of my faith? Do my coworkers know why I make decisions? Moroni does not shy away from this. 
Alma 44: 5,6,7 use of "command"- reminds me of something my Bishop says about "demanding the power of God in your life" and "commanding evil to depart"- I'm struck by Moroni's  confidence in his worthiness to call upon these powers without any doubt. We all have the same promise, so why don't we demand it? And we are worthy of this as we live the commandments with pure intent. Satan gets us to think we aren't 

Wed 10/28
Alma 45:1-8 Alma has a PPI with his son, Helaman- role of fathers. Fathers and mothers are expected to be aware of their children's spiritual growth (even as adults). Reminds me of one-on-one counsels with my Dad. Reminds me again that my parents did a lot of things right. What is expected of me? What can I do more to repay the debt?

Thurs 10/29
Alma 46- Covenants. (v.22) What is my attitude towards my covenants? These people were willing not only to covenant with God, but also their attitude was one of, "If I do not keep my covenants, [God] may cast us at the feet of our enemies." Do I have this attitude; have I become nonchalant in regards to partaking of the sacrament, or any of my covenants? Their obedience to their covenant was literally protecting them from war with actual enemies but my covenants can sometimes get blurred because the enemies may not be actual people. But the battle is just as real, if not more real. Sometimes we forget that Satan is actively working against us.  

Fri 10/30
Tested and Tempted, But Helped (Hugo Montoya)
-going to the temple regularly is part of the "first mile" (it's not going be extra mile, it's part of the main commandments and expectations!) The fact that God expects me to go regularly, and the fact that this is a commandment makes me reflect on my attitude towards temple service. Make it a priority always. 

Sat 10/31
Choose the Light (Vern P Stanfill)
"No matter how intense the darkness of doubt, we choose how long and to what extent we allow it to influence us." - this quote is empowering. We don't have control of so many things, but we do have control over how long we will let doubt, fear, and sin weigh us down. All of us will face these feelings but we determine how long they will affect us.  What do I do when I am faced with these feelings? What should I do?
"There is no darkness so dense, so menacing, or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by light." BEAUTIFUL! 

Sun 11/1
A Plea to My Sisters (Russell M Nelson):
"...We need women who know how to make important things happen by their faith and who are courageous defenders of morality and families in a sin-sick world."
"Sisters, do you realize the breadth and scope of your influence when you speak those things that come to your heart and mind as directed by the Spirit?"
"Because of this, we need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who will use that understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation. We need women who can detect deception in all of its forms. We need women who know how to access the power that God makes available to covenant keepers and who express their beliefs with confidence and charity. We need women who have the courage and vision of our Mother Eve."

-A pretty comprehensive list of what type of woman I should be becoming and striving towards. I loved how Elder Nelson described his wife as having "vision, grit, and love," three character traits that I believe are essential in this world of craziness. These three words are my motto for the week/month!

Faith is not by Chance, but by Choice (Neil L Andersen):
"How does the Savior see my faith?"
"Faith in Jesus Christ is a gift from heaven that comes as we choose to believe and as we seek it and hold on to it."
"Be relentless in protecting your faith."
" ...Your faith did not begin at birth, and it will not end at death." 
-I love these concepts about faith. We should "protect" our faith- recognize that the adversary seeks to break down my faith and guard it! Recognize different forces/ideas that may weaken my faith. Make choices daily to increase my faith. 


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