Sunday, December 6, 2015

December Week 1 Linds

Theme: The Gospels 

Tues Dec 1
Luke 1:38 Mary's response to vision about her becoming the mother of Jesus: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."--> After seeking understanding (v.34) and "casting in her mind" or meditating what the angel said (v.29), she willingly accepted whatever mission God was communicating to her. She declares her own identity and sole purpose when she says, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord." Is my identity and purpose found in my relationship to Heavenly Father? My conviction should be the driving force in all that I do.
Luke 1:46-55 "My soul doth magnify the Lord."--> Mary has come to know God and is meek. It is interesting that Mary uses the word "soul"--> How do I magnify God with both my body and my spirit?

Wed Dec 2
Matt 1:19 Joseph could have jumped to conclusions about why Mary was pregnant but chose to instead to ponder it in his heart "he thought on these things." Reacting vs. Acting: how often do I react to situations rashly instead of choosing to hold my tongue or judgement and think it through?
Mission of Christ (acc. to Mosiah 3:5-8):
1. working might miracles
2. HEALING* (the sick, raising the dead, lame to walk, blind to see, deaf to hear, cure diseases)
3. cast out devils and evil spirits
4. the human experience-- "dwell in tabernacle of clay," "suffer temptations and pain of body," "hunger, thirst, fatigue"--> He understands all our personal pain and can succor us (Alma 7:12-13)
5. ATONEMENT --> overcome and help us overcome (Alma 7:13)
*What is the significance of Jesus's miracles of healing? They all relate to him expanding someone's faculties, perceiving a weakness and then healing that weakness- making someone "whole"(BD Atonement). Ether 12:27 Why is it so hard to believe and apply the Atonement for my spiritual weaknesses? He demonstrated His power to heal in physical ways because they all relate to our need for Him spiritually.
Why is it significant that healing and the Atonement are separated in this verse? To me they seem to be one and the same. Although we do find healing through the Atonement, I find it significant that the Savior performed miracles of healing through His entire ministry.
3 Ne 1:20 "And it had come to pass, yea, all things, every whit"--> do not doubt that the Lord will fulfill His promises & prophesies. We can trust 100% that they will be fulfilled "every whit."

Thurs 12/3
Luke 2:19 "Mary pondered these things in her heart" what does it mean to ponder in your heart? It means she thought about them & allowed them to reach her heart--deep & personal. Pondering in your mind denotes a change of mind, an intellectual pursuit, whereas pondering in your heart denotes a change of self. Do I allow what I read, what happens to change who I am? Do I allow quiet spaces where I can ponder experiences I have had? 
Luke 2:15-18 even with all the signs that were fulfilled "every whit," it still takes faith to believe. There will never be a time when faith is not needed in this life. It is always a choice, even when there are signs like the ones accompanying Jesus's birth. 
Luke 2:4O Jesus "waxed strong in spirit and filled with wisdom"-->youth should not only seek knowledge but the application of it. True strength is measured in wisdom

Fri 12/4
Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." How is it significant that Jesus increased not only in favour with God but with man? Although sometimes living the gospel may damage our relationship with others, we should do everything in our power to (after putting God first) get along with our fellow men. We are not islands, and living the gospel more often than not means finding common ground and loving others. Disagreement is natural, but contention is never from God.
Luke 2:51 "[Mary] kept all these sayings in her heart."Again, we have an account of Mary "keeping" these experiences in her heart. Keeping denotes possession - she took her experiences and made them hers, let them change her (heart). Do I take possession figuratively of my life experience- do I own it as sacred, as guided by God- or do I become bitter by things that don't go my way? Do I allow them to change my heart and person?
Luke 3:8 John's warning to the Pharisees: "God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham" The Pharisees were apparently caught up in disbelief because they couldn't see how God could work a miracle with Abraham in his barren years (? I think?). Faith is not about reason and logistics, sometimes. Yes, God gives us reasoning to make decisions, but don't let our own reasoning about "the logistics of faith" or the "logistics of miracles" get in the way of our own faith. God can do anything He wants! Back then and now. So don't try to reason your way to faith.

Sat 12/5
Matt 3:8 "fruits meet for repentance"- why do they specify "meet for repentance"? Because not all fruit changes us. Is what I am doing changing me? If not, it's not worth anything!


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