Monday, December 14, 2015

December Week 2 - Samuel

Ponderize Scripture: John 8:12 "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Monday 12/7
Luke 2:21-39, Matt 1:25; vs. 32 "A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel."  I think the Gentiles are those who don't know of the gospel and Israel are the humble followers of Christ.  Christ lights the true way for those who know not the path and makes salvation possible for those who do know the way.  So interesting that he already has light and glory, but he is making it possible that all of his brothers and sisters may also have that light and glory.  Elder Bednar said during the Christmas Devotional Dec. 6th, 2015 that Christ is light and every symbol of light is signifying of him.  vs.25, "there was a man...whose name was Simeon...and the Holy Ghost was upon him."  vs. 27, "and he came by the spirit into the temple," I love how guiding the Holy Ghost can be.  vs. 37, "she was a widow...but served God with fastings and prayers night and day." How to have the Holy Ghost is to seek the Lord, serve him.  If I seek the light, I will find it.  In seeking Christ, I will find light, truth, and wisdom, which comes from the Holy Ghost.

Tuesday 12/8
Matt. 2:1-23; Luke 2:39-52 vs. 1 "behold, there came wise men from the east..." There weren't necessarily three wise men.  What would make one a wise man?  vs. 12-13, 19 - dreams are one way that the Lord can communicate with us. v. 52 "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man."  The the footnotes it says uses the word study to help define wisdom.  Jesus studied intellectually (later on he knew how to ready, what the customs were...etc...), did physical exercise, took care of his body, and sought after God, which would seem to mean through prayer, scripture study, and worship.  If he had to do all of these things, then how important it is for me to do these things.

Wednesday 12/9
Matt. 3:1-17; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 3:1-22; John 1:19-34  All four of the gospels have the baptism of Jesus.  John baptized with water but Jesus brought the Holy Ghost and fire.  Fire is cleansing = the Atonement of Christ.  The Holy Ghost is a companion since Jesus isn't always here so no one else could have brought those than Jesus.  I like the description of the Holy Ghost (dove).  A dove is white, gentle, soft, inperceptible at times.  Repentance comes before healing/cleansing/companionship of the Holy Ghost.  I feel like John was bold and constant and diligent.  These are all acts of faith.  Because of his efforts he received a witness that Jesus is the Son of God.

Thursday 12/10
Matt 4:1-11; vs. 1-4 bread to me is the carnal, dogmatic desires that each person has.  v. 4 "Man shall not live by bread (his own carnal desires) along, but by every word (the gospel) that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."  There is a higher way of living.  Satan tempts us to easy, bodily, or carnal sins.  vs. 5-7 refers to the temptations/sins of pride (seeking one's own glory, power, self-interests, praise of others) v. 7 "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." We must first look to God, and not to ourselves.  vs. 8-11 Vanity, praise of the world over what God wants.  v.10 "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."  There are a lot of good things in the world, but what are the best things to do?  This is easy to fall into.  I like how Jesus commanded Satan to depart.  This has been extremely helpful to me.  Create places (homes, temples, clean minds) where Satan can't come and if he does, send him on his way.

Luke 4:1-13 vs. 1-4 I really like v. 4 where Jesus answers Satan, "It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."  meaning that we need more than physical health, nutrition, and exercise.  We can't also live without spiritual health, nutrition, and exercise.  Interesting that this is the first temptation.  How easy it is to forget to say prayers or read the scriptures.vs. 5-8 The glory of the world is immense and it is easy to worship other gods before the Lord. v.8 "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." What activities, thoughts, feelings, people stop me from putting the Lord first in my life?  vs. 9-13 In what ways do I put myself up or below others?  Pride is key here.

Friday 12/11
John 1:15-51 v. 16 "of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace."  John is mentioning Jesus here, but I also think he is talking about the Holy Ghost.  Truth is given little by little by means of the Holy Ghost.  I realize how important it is to seek the Holy Ghost so as to not miss out on receiving of the fulness.  v. 32 "John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him."  John was prepared, clean and pure so as to see and witness the Holy Ghost.  How can I seek the Holy Ghost to be with me more often?

Sunday 12/13
John 2:1-25 v.16 Jesus cleansed the temple for the first time. "Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise."  I think of both the temple as well as my home and my body.  Merchandise is temporary; it has an end.  What things do I put in my body or that I bring into my house?  Even good things to excess can make a house of merchandise.  Good foods, but not to excess are important.  Good things in the home, but not to excess are also important.  I have noticed in the temple that there are nice decorations, but there is nothing excessive.  The focus should be on the Lord first.  Self-evaluation of those things that may be cluttering my body and my home.

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