Saturday, December 26, 2015

December Week 4- Linds

Tues 12/22
Alma 7:11-13 Christ suffered so that He can succor us. I have been thinking lately about how we can't expect others to understand us. When we long for validation, comfort, etc, we should really turn to Christ because He is the only source that can fulfill that need fully. "Succor" to me means that He not only understands but actively helps us bear burdens. 
2 Nephi 2:8 no one can dwell with God except through the "merits, mercy, and grace" of Christ--> these three words stuck out to me. Really, we don't do anything to earn salvation. Sometimes there is a culture that mistakenly thinks we earn His grace by our merits (deeds) but we don't even do that! Everything that I am blessed with is through these three things. This is why it's so important to be grateful. 

Wed 12/23 
Mark 1:40-42 the leper comes seeking physical healing but asks, "make me clean," referring to spiritual healing. Do I seek Him fully aware of my areas where I need cleansing? How often do I seek him with this intention? It requires faith and Jesus only responds after He recognizes the leper and his family have faith. Why did the Savior spend so much of His ministry healing? 

Matt 9:12-13 
12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
"I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" 
Really what Jesus is referring to is the attitude of people. In reality we are all sick and in need of a Savior, but some of us are less aware, more content or complacent, less wanting to change than others. Humility is so vital for building my relationship with Him. He can not help us when we are not humble enough to realize we are sick and need His help. That is really th deciding factor in our relationship with Him. Are we humble or are we prideful? 

Thurs 12/24 
John 5:9,14-15 "made him whole" this is repeated 4 times. Interesting word choice if in reference to physical ailments- more likely that it alludes to spiritual sin. How often do I feel incomplete, flawed? Often! This is beautiful and also reminds me of the definition of "perfection" some people reference. Perfection meaning whole, complete and not necessarily without sin. Christ makes up for what I can not do, so with Him, I am "whole." (Complete and enough)! 

Fri 12/25
John 5:17 "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." --> Spiritual work. Jesus was being criticized for "working" on the Sabbath. Our Sabbaths should not be filled with lazying about the house and sleeping in. We should be actively trying to find ways to serve and love. Also, do I put as much effort into the spiritual goals I have? They are work too. And I should expect spiritual change and challenge to be as hard as temporal work/profession. Also really interesting to note that the Savior was always working. Work is a spiritual principle.

Sat 12/26
Luke 6:12 "that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God"--> Interesting and powerful that Jesus both felt the need to pray (did he really need to pray? He already knew everything) and that he prayed so long. I am not harnessing this power enough in my daily struggles.  

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