Sunday, December 20, 2015

December Week 3-Linds

Sun Dec 13 
John 1:43 Jesus goes and calls His disciples: it is really powerful to me how simple His calling is. All he says to Philip is "Follow me." There is no explanation, no elaboration, nothing He has to prove. From the very beginning to the very end, it's a matter of faith and belief. Will we choose to follow him or not? It's as simple as that. Being a disciple means following Him.
John 2:21 Jesus refers to his body as "this temple"- why does Jesus refer to His body as a temple? Am I treating my body that sacredly? What can I do to treat my body like a temple? How do I express my gratitude for my body? 
John 2:22 again, emphasis on belief and faith, even in the midst of Jesus, disciples needed faith and belief. John 3:12

Mon Dec 14
John 4:13-14 (Isaiah 55:1-3) These are some of my favorite scriptures/concept. I love the idea that the gospel satisfying fully our needs and that so many times we pursue things to temporarily fix what is wrong. I see this a lot in the world (drinking to cope with insecurities, overreating to cope with stress, etc). But do I see it in my own life? I think sometimes I spend too much time on facebook, social media, or other "temporary fixes" for my boredom or time, when in actuality that may not be the best way to use my time and build others. Not that they aren't good tools, we just don't always use them as tools.
John 4:34 "I have meat to eat that ye know not of"--the disciples were fixated on temporal things. Jesus was always referring to spiritual things. What correlations/metaphors do I see of temporal things to spiritual things? Here, Jesus is referring to the daily sustenance of food for our bodies in relation to the daily sustenance we should and need to seek for our Spirits. Am I seeking daily to nourish my testimony? Make spiritual pursuits a priority, or I will "starve"

Tues Dec 15 
Matt 4:19-20, 22 Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James, John to be apostles. It is interesting that the scriptures detail not only that all four followed Jesus's simple counsel to "Follow me" but also how they followed the Savior. "immediately" and "straightway left their nets" --> It's not only important that we choose to follow Him but how we follow Him. How do I follow the Savior? Am I immediate when asked to do something for my calling or for others?
Luke 5: 2-11 Simon who "toiled all the night, and have taken nothing" receives the Savior's counsel to "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." The visual of how the Savior helps Simon to succeed as a fisherman is powerful to me! The Savior can and will help us succeed in "worldly" or temporal pursuits when we follow Him and turn to Him for help and praise for our successes. I feel really strongly about this and see this in my life so much. We can do SO much more when include the Lord, and really, when we give it all to Him. Why did the Savior perform this miracle? And what significance does "fishers of men" have? As we turn to Him and make missionary work a priority and a desire in our lives, He will show miracles and gather those who are ready to hear and act on the Gospel. Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel and be ready and willing.

Wed 12/16
Luke 4: 33-37 everyone is not astonished at what Jesus says necessarily, but the power and authority behind it. Interesting to note that this power (Priesthood) is already being referenced here in the New Testament. What experiences have I had recently with the Priesthood? Do I utilize that power in my life enough? Both in my personal life and in my missionary efforts? 

Thurs 12/17 
"We should not deceive ourselves about what it takes to return and remain in the presence of our Father in Heaven. We have to be clean." Remembering in whom we have trusted (Allen Haynie) 
"The thought is this: the Atonement leaves no tracks, no traces. What it fixes is fixed. … The Atonement leaves no traces, no tracks. It just heals, and what it heals stays healed.” (Quoting President Packer) 

Fri 12/18
Luke 4:39 "immediately she arose and administered unto them"-->natural product of being healed and utilizing the Atonement is to turn outward and share our testimony with others. When have I been healed? Did I share it with others?

Sat 12/19
Peace I Leave with You- BYU SPEECH Leslee Thorne-Murphy
"[Christ's peace] is a spiritual peace that quells fear and anxiety." 
"Reverence begins in a deep understanding of human limitations; from this grows the capacity to be in awe of whatever we believe lies outside our control—God, truth, justice, nature, even death. The capacity for awe, as it grows, brings with it the capacity for respecting fellow human beings, flaws and all." (quoting Paul Woodroff)
-Reverence (and awe) as explained here remind me of gratitude. Gratitude really should come from a "deep understanding of human limitations." Do I have this deep understanding? Do I often mistakenly think this understanding with putting myself down, being hard on myself, etc? This kind of thinking comes from Satan and is a cheap form of real humility. I love the definition above because it ties it back to our relations with other people. If we have reverence and awe for what lies out of our control (the good and the bad), then we will be filled with understanding and charity for others. My dad is a great example of this. He lives with a gratitude for life itself and it is manifest in the way he interacts with others. 

Sun 12/20
D&C 19:15-16 Christ suffered that we might not suffer. This is power, and the ultimate unselfish act. Was he worried that many would not follow Him or appreciate His sacrifice? No! Was he kept back from sacrificing because he knew most people would not choose to follow Him? No. As I seek to be unselfish (in the small part like Jesus), I shouldn't be selective about my service- people don't have to be deserving to receive of my service, friendship, or kindness!
D&C 19:18 It's hard for me to comprehend the Atonement. "Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit."-->He did this all for me! And for everyone, even when we may not seem grateful and even when we can't even comprehend it. That is love! I love this!

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